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  • wegroomfurfriends

We want to help!!

We care about your pet. We want your pet to have the healthiest coat possible. If you have any questions about coat conditions, please ask us! We will be happy to show you how to care for your pet’s coat at home between grooms and can suggest the best tools and equipment to help you out.

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What can I do?

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How can I prevent mats?

To prevent mats, speak to your professional groomer to set up a regular grooming schedule. Most coated breeds require a 4-6 week schedule, depending on how long the coat is kept. Brushing at home freq

Medical issues that can arise?

Sometimes, shaving down your pet’s coat will reveal a problem previously hidden by the mats, such as a hotspot, eczema, parasites or open sores. Now that these problem spots are exposed, it gives your

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